
Full programme available

CPDP has grown steadily over the last 4 years. It has the most ambitious 
agenda so far with 12 panels, a pre-conference, a philosophical reading panel and a PhD-evening. In addition the 2011 edition includes 2 one-day events on ‘eHealth’ and surveillance and law enforcement, and a round table on body scanners. In total more than 150 speakers will contribute.

The conference takes place the same week as the 4th annual European 
Privacy Day (Friday 28th January 2011), which will see the organisation of a series of events around Brussels with the participation of the Vrije 
Universiteit Brussel. Furthermore CPDP is organising a range of side-events, which involve members of the CPDP Scientific Committee.
Pecha Kucha Evening, Privacy Party, Political debates will be the social events around CPDP 2011.

This programme was carefully put together. With at least 150 speakers printing errors, modifications, or last-minute changes are not impossible. Missing names will appear on the website asap.
* invited, to be confirmed.

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